The year is 2091, and as the historians and sociologists predicted, the age of nations is over, and the age of corporations is now upon the world, and in fact, that too is nearly over, with only two corporations controlling everything in the world: governments, judicial systems, laws, and thanks to some creative legal maneuvers, the people themselves. Slavery is alive and well in this world and is legally sanctioned. Those who commit crimes are either sentenced to slavery in one of the many prison cities around the world or are slapped with fines far too high for them to pay, which by default renders them slaves for usually, the reamainder of their lives.
Such a city is MNAECPC, (Manichae North America East Coast Prison City) formerly known as New York, now an enormous prison complex run by Manichae inc. and containing over 40 millions of unfortunate souls. Most inhabitants of MNAECPC are not hardened criminals. many have been forced here for as little offenses as littering or parking violations, with the absurdly cruel law that puts them in for 1 year for every dollar they can’t afford to pay against the tickets and fine they get, which are often in the thousands themselves. There haven’t been any riots in MNAECPC for years, as those who participate are often killed, or worse, by law become volunteers for “market research’ with often leaves them insane, addicted to some drug, mindless or disfigured. It is now up to our heroes, from various walks of life to strike back, as Manichae HQ is located in the center of MNAECPC, and perhaps another chance may never come or the world might be too crushed by then to make another attempt.
characters in this story are those in MNAECPC as either staff or prisoners who are in a high-security zone at the moment for observation. If your character was a professional, their occupation as a slave in this city probably uses the same skills. Free staff are virtually slaves themselves as everyone under upper management is horrifically in debt in this world by design and makes virtually no money.
here are a few things about my games you ought to know before you play.
- I am blind and cannot provide graphics for my avatars or cards. I don’t require art of my players, though they are free to use it if they want.
- I am more about the journey than the destination, so though I adapt to what the players do, they are more or less given a happy ending or at least a bittersweet one at the end.
- Many of my challenges are rather broad and can be approached from many angles, meaning that if you have trouble thinking of what your character should do, this might not be the game for you. For example, an encounter with thugs with me might not necessarily involve violence and the players might have the option to work around it other ways.
- I don’t believe in word limits unless a player goes nuts all the time and monopolizes the story. I also keep player comments private to facilitate collaboration.
- I, in most cases, don’t believe in roatating narration, but I do take requests and try to work in things the players want.
- I’m using the cyberpunk deck, but most of my challenges will be custom. Also, when making your characters, feel free to create other cards, in fact I encourage it.
- I will play a minor character in this story to step up only in the event players disappear, otherwise, he or she will only move on Wednesdays and will never finish a challenge I make, nor will they ever get goals or assets.
- I am opening open invitations and will leave them open for 2 weeks starting Wednesday afternoon August 26 and continuing until Sep 9 afternoon, at which point the story will start. I let everyone in unless there is something very wrong with their characters (which I will let them try and fix them in time and tell them what needs fixing) or if I have other reasons to deny them (which I will tell them when I do but won’t blab out to anyone else.
- I prefer writers over gamers in the games I narrate, and I encourage anyone who plays with me not to worry about weak outcomes or writing too much. I also prefer to go fast when possible and I prefer active storium users.
Hosted and narrated by:
Zachary Ruffing (Rattannah)
Started 08/28/15.
Scenes played: 10
License: Community License