Need one more player. Looking for a magic user, lycan, or banshee. Or if you can come up with something i may have missed go for it :D
All throughout the realm there are people who aren’t exactly what they seem. Supernatural beings that roam the city street or seclude themselves from society. Upon normal glance they seem to be just like a regular person. Unless they decide to show you who they really are.
Hidden from every day life. They blend in trough the day, but go out at night. There are numerous unexplained deaths every year. People go missing, some return with strange bite marks and other never com back.
A rumor has been going around that something new has been scene all throughout the realm. A demon has been scene everywhere this thing seems to surface. It has unleashed some sort of supernatural being and all it wants is death. A group is needed to stop this thing.
If its not human. Then what better to take it out than someone thats not exactly human themselves. Word has been sent out in the supernatural part of the word. The message is as follows:
*Meet in the town of Arindal south of the great city Karth. The meeting will be held in the Broken knee inn on the fifth day of the shinning moon.*
Are you one of the Paranormal who will help deal with this threat.
This game will be set in a fantasy world set in a medieval setting. There are gadgets like automatic crossbows, grapple guns ect. . . (Think of the movie Van Helsing, stuff like that.) I’ve put in a feew supernatural beings that will fit what im looking for, but if you have thought of anything else give it a go . . . I may like it. Oh and yes magic exists.
I am looking for 5 players. Along with the application I would like the reason your character has chosen to accept this offer to be part of this team. I give you the freedom to create your own Strength, Weakness and Sub Plot Cards. You may also come up with your own Nature cards, but be reasonable with it. I’m fairly easy going so have fun creating your characters, the more creative the better.
Story Pacing:
My plan is to make a post in this once every evening. Possibly more depending on the players. I want to keep true to the 2-3 scenes a week schedule.
Hosted and narrated by:
Colby MacPhail (Aarinhien)
Started 08/28/14.
Scenes played: 2
License: Community License