The year is 2073, Humanity has colonized Mars and the Moon, but little has happened as a result. A popular topic of discussion in the media is whether or not to terraform Mars. But those are issues concerning far away places on other worlds. Our world is divided into three major spheres of influence; NATO, with North America and strong ties with the European Union - which is now a powerful entity that often supercedes the laws of its member states; The Chinese, with much of East Asia and the Southern Pacific Islands; and the Russians, who have annexed most of the territories of the old Soviet Union through questionable diplomacy and a series of clandestine military maneuvers. Africa and South America remain mostly free of influence or divided.
Most of the world has developed cybernetics capable of improving upon the performance of lost body parts, but the existence of cheap, compact exoskeletons and ten-foot tall mech suits lay to rest fears of a cyborg master race. Laser weaponry is prohibitively large and expensive, used mostly on tanks, ships, and drones. Infantry are often equipped with magnetic coil guns of varying shapes and sizes. Militarization of space has yet to take place, but most nations have comprehensive networks of spy satellites complemented by varied fleets of spy and combat drones. With the focus on development and adoption of green energy technologies in the first three decades of the century, there is no energy crisis, though climate change has still advanced and many are looking to “gently” terraform Earth to halt its progress.
Despite plummeting poverty rates and plentiful energy, the world still has its issues. The expansionist Russians are likely to spark conflict as they run out of countries to subdue without stepping on the toes of the other major powers, climate change looms, every day seems to bring new technologies worthy of ethical debate, and the chaos of space swirls above. But a shadowy organization moves behind the scenes, recruiting the best and brightest of the world to “serve the betterment of humanity”. They seem mainly concerned with the development of technology and have allegiances to no government, but all who know of the organization know that it must have some secret agenda. They have gained no mainstream attention and managed to hide their activities from the governments of the world, but as they grow, they are sure to be discovered eventually.
You are a soldier of one of the three branches of the organization, Chimera. The branches are each mainly concerned with advancing the development a category of military technologies. The biomedical branch develop the medical technology of Chimera, but also handle genetic experimentation, producing soldiers with superhuman biology. The Robotics branch is the largest, handling the development and management of the armory, vehicles, cybernetics, and robotics of Chimera, producing cybernetically enhanced soldiers as well as experimental androids. The final branch is the newest, founded after recent discoveries of the biomedical branch and supported by the other two. The Psionics branch explores the ability of some individuals to manifest abilities that seem impossible and are often described as magical. Though the soldiers of this branch all have theoretically infinite potential, little is understood about their powers, other than how physically drained a few minutes of power use leave them.
Alright, I will take any character I think is interesting, I’m hoping that will be a lot. I’m going to say that I won’t take more than 8 players, but I might, and I’ll move on even if I don’t get 8 after a few days. I’m looking for a large player pool since I’ve noticed Storium seems to have a problem with players leaving 1-2 weeks into a story.
I’m looking for soldiers from all three branches if possible, if making a psi, feel free to give them two or three specific powers, whether they be telekinetic, telepathic, pyrokinetic, or whatever else you think could be useful. Just keep in mind, they’ll have limited use of their powers.
I would love for this story to last a couple of months or more, but I also like for my games to move fast. I expect people to check in every few days at least, but would prefer more activity than that. If you need to drop out of the game, know that there are no hard feelings, I expect some people to leave at some point.
I wish Storium had a way for people to private message me, but it doesn’t, so if you have any questions, send it in your character submission or ask in the comments when/if I accept the character submission.
Hosted and narrated by:
Devon Pancakes (ghinkhawara)
Started 07/18/14.
Scenes played: 6
License: Community License