The Kingdom of Pyronne was a large nation filled with magic users. Fifty percent of Pyronnians were fluent in at least one type of magic, and the number increased each year. Learning magic became a fun pastime for every elf, human, and dwarf, even leading to the formation of magic schools. This speedy “Magic Industrialization” shuddered to an abrupt halt. Out of nowhere, a new cursed disease began to spread. An unknown dark sorcerer, in an attempt to become the sole magic-user in Pyronne, released a new curse that spread like a disease. The curse seeks out magic users and absorbs their energy, sapping out their soul until they die. It has no known cure, and 10% of magic users are infected each year. The goal of the characters is to find who the sorcerer is and kill him, putting an end to his curse.
Hosted and narrated by:
Brooke Blakesley (SpaceSquirrels)
Started 04/14/19.
Scenes played: 1
License: Community License