A traveler sets his grim sights towards the muddled horizon. He did not much like the trip on the boat, but the sea had never agreed with him anyway. With hunting bow and quiver slung across his chest, he started upon the path. It was a little late to begin the trek to Erasar, but the sooner he arrived the better. A few townsfolk in Silacia had warned him that the forest was dangerous at night, but he payed them no heed. Danger was an old friend, whispered the long scar that had nearly claimed his right eye. The wind howled down to him that this was not going to be just a walk in the woods though, as a dark cloud began to loom over the horizon. So the fate of the weary night began.
Hosted and narrated by:
Edward Alexander (Sturmtruppen)
Started 12/20/18.
Scenes played: 1
License: Community License