“This ain’t Doctor Who, boys and girls! When I’m done with you, you’ll be lucky to time-jump back to breakfast, and you’ll lose your lunch in more ways than one!”
That was the first day of TimeCorp® (formerly TimeWarnerGoogleNewsCorp) orientation, and it only got worse from there. A full third of your class got time-fracked (fracturing the space-time continuum just enough to be swallowed up but not enough for anything cool to happen), three went insane, and, like every year, one guy tried to go back and kill Hitler, only to find himself naked and holding a gun on a baggage carousel in the Berlin airport.
You’re a survivor, though, and today you’ll be sworn into the elitist of the elite, the TimeCorp® Time Corps. TimeCorp® polices the space-time continuum, for a small fee (collected frequently and involuntarily).
As an amateur member of the Time Corps, you’ll travel back in time as many as twelve full hours to perform important missions, like waking up dignitaries who slept in and picking up the CEO’s kids from school when he forgot and left them outside in the rain for two hours while he was at a hotel upstate for an “important meeting.” Your reward will be 75% of the satisfaction of a job well done (25% goes to TimeCorp® under the Satisfaction Tax Law of 2105).
Some people say that TimeCorp® manipulates time and space for its own gain, but you haven’t heard those rumors, because those people promptly ceased to ever be born. Luckily for you, ignorance is bliss. It’s easy to remember, because “Ignorance is Bliss®” is the official TimeCorp® motto. Bliss® is a highly-addictive soft drink manufactured, completely coincidentally, by TimeCorp®.
This game/world is loosely inspired by the Paranoia RPG. You’re peons in a dystopian future, but you’re time-traveling peons, and it’s a hilarious dystopia. Like Paranoia, chaos and ridiculous maneuvers are welcome, and almost everyone is actually out to get you. Unlike Paranoia, cooperative play among characters is encouraged, and you, unlike virtually every NPC, probably won’t die. The game is set on Earth in 2112, with future-tech and a highly authoritarian society.
Hosted and narrated by:
Peter Meyers (DrPete)
Started 05/12/14.
Scenes played: 5
License: Community License