The forces of heaven and hell are at war again, this time in the modern era and humanity is caught up in it once again. This is a dark thriller where you will have to ensure humanities survival against the oncoming supernatural storm.
As modern exorcists, demon hunters, cultists, friars. You name it, you will band together and fight both demons and angels in current-day Europe. (This story is still in English even though it will be set in traditionally non-English speaking countries. This is where you multilingual writers can shine in your dialogue as long as translations are provided.)
There is no plot immunity, which means your characters can die and so you will have to think realistically. You are still humans and you are still mortal. You will die if you go up against more than you can handle. Finally, the game will be heavily influenced by the subplots you choose. It will drive much of the narrative and I will be leaving it up to you what to make your subplots. If your character is trying to free their sibling from hell then that will be a large portion of the story, if you have a vendetta against the angels then i will make that a focus. So, invent a strong subplot that can actually drive narrative because everyone involved will be helping each other with their stories. This game is as much about the players as the chaos revolving around them. That being said there will still be an overarching plot that the players will have to work through.
I’m looking for 3+ highly skilled storytellers who can dedicate themselves to a story that will last many months. Use some discretion and honestly ask yourself if you have the will and time to stick with this for a whole year, it’s not an easy task, I know that but I need players who are truly invested in this. Other than that remember that this is our world, how it is now, being attacked by supernatural forces and you are the only ones brave enough to stand against it.
Final note, in your character bios feel free to share your characters past and how they ended up involved in the world going mad but what I truly want to see is an excerpt of writing. I want to see how skilled you are at telling a story and it’s that basis that will get you in or not. Other than that, this will be an incredibly fun experience for all who are involved and invested. Good luck!
Hosted and narrated by:
Oliver Kiss (Glyphic)
Started 06/24/14.
Scenes played: 1
License: Community License