Tune in every weekend on GAN(Galactic Action Network) to see our new reality sensation. The Labyrinth! We have taken criminals, sentenced to death, from across the galaxy. We release them on our private moon, The Labyrinth! Anyone that survives and escapes the relentless threats we have assembled for them. Well they are allowed to go free. Dont miss out!
Throughout the promo spot, a series of visuals flash over the screen. First clips of graphic violence, clips of aliens from all reaches of the galaxy, the promo closes with a planetary shot of a small moon, the surface of which is covered with a sprawling labyrinthian maze.
Get ready for a new season! With a new cast of criminals! and New surprises in the labyrinth!
Player Notes
Be creative! Just about any kind of character is acceptable! Lets steer clear of magic/superpowers but beyond that any kind of being you could think of. Create your nature based on the species with a loose description. Make your strength and weakness character related (intelligence, strength, bravery,) Weakness along similar lines.
Story Notes
The game will progress with the characters progressing through the labyrinth. I expect players to play only 1 card per move, and make only one move per challenge. This is fairly essential to what i have in mind for progression and elimination. Challenges will be laid out with enough points so that not every player can play a card, those players that do not play a card. They will have another challenge dropped that challenge will determine if their character dies to some danger of the labyrinth. Feasibly if all the players are active everyone could survive. though i expect to lose atleast a few people.
Hosted and narrated by:
DJ (ragepancakes)
Started 07/25/14.
Scenes played: 1
License: Community License