The queen is dying, and the sages all see the same vision every night - once she passes on her crown, the great city of Mohenjo-Daro will finally fall to the onslaught of the encroaching jungle.
Only one glimmer of light remains, and it’s a faint flicker at that. A small team must enter the jungle for the first time in two hundred years and attempt to reach the ancient temple at its heart - the resting place, legends tell us, of a fabled spirit who once walked among men as a friend.
Is there a way to restore peace between Man and Nature, Mortal and Immortal? Find out in this fantastical adventure!
Hosted and narrated by:
TatiAnna Tibbitts (TaterTots)
Started 12/17/17.
Scenes played: 1
License: Community License w/ Creative Commons