The year is 1882, in Upstate New York. Under President Arthur’s leadership, the country has begun reconstruction, the civil war concluded, but tensions yet soar as the confederacy and the North still wage conflicting ideas in the senate.
The entire region has experienced rapid industrialization as skilled laborers come about, surpassing the English in terms of productivity and profit. The wealthy get richer as they head the industrial revolution, but in their wake, a lower economic class develops, caught in poverty and indentured servitude.
The United States were on their way to becoming a great nation- but everything began to change when the meteorites fell. Green specks were seen darting through the sky, and where they landed, strange things started happening.
One such meteor struck a prison in Boston, and the news spread quickly of a large scale jailbreak. Witnesses reported seeing a large green glow emanating from the building, as convicts fled the scene. Some even reported seeing prisoners fly out of the jail, while others supposedly leapt great distances, or even released gouts of fire from their fingertips. Some simply vanished.
All around the nation and the world, news spread of supernatural phenomena. Crime rose, and controversy spread, but everyone seemed to agree that the green glow was universal to all cases of the supernatural.
Astronomists started analyzing the strange meteorites, vastly ranging in size, but all were seen to be unlike anything anyone had seen before.
Citizens all across the globe have been seemingly randomly affected by this strange energy, and the army has begun the process of gathering all of the supernatural Americans. Naturally, this move received significant resistance, and once more a split was created, with many northeners advocating for the capture of the potentially dangerous individuals,and southerners claiming that the government has no right to intrude that far into people’s lives.
While there doesn’t seem to be a particular pattern to those gifted with these odd energies, the condition seemed to be more prevalent within impoverished and oppressed communities.
You, the player, are whoever you want to be. All doors are open, as the beginning of America’s melting pot has begun.
Play will begin on a train to Boston. Why are you going there? With whom are you traveling? Where are you coming from?
Or story will unfold as the mystery of these strange asteroids and magics, dubbed “aedra,” shapes America forever.
Hosted and narrated by:
Joshua Branflakes (Zelrig)
Started 11/18/16.
Scenes played: 1
License: Community License