You’ve known for all your life that magic is real–it has to be, seeing as you’re a wizard. Sure, the other folks around you may not believe, but you certainly do!
On your thirteenth birthday, a letter arrived in the post, informing you that you’ve been accepted into the Finishing Academy. The letter doesn’t give many details, only that you’ll be collected from your home on the 31st day of August. Your parents are proud as can be, whether they know about your magical abilities or not. It’s a prestigious school, after all, so who wouldn’t be proud to send their son or daughter there?
In a similar vein to the Harry Potter universe, but with some differences. Your character should have recently turned 13, and know that they have magical talents. Their family may or may not be aware of said talents, depending.
I’m looking for probably 5-7 players, though I may adjust that as necessary. Looking for folks who are happy to roleplay amongst themselves in the absence of direct obstacles (though there will be obstacles as well).
Hosted and narrated by:
Dawn Vogel (scarywhitegirl)
Started 05/02/14.
Scenes played: 11
License: Community License