Everyone told you that college would open your eyes, would help you grow. They had no idea.
From the spires of Miskatonic University to the canopy of the Białowieża Forest, The Last Entry sets players on a desperate path toward the salvation, or destruction, of everything they hold dear. The story starts at an unassuming lecture given by a master antiquarian. He’s just gotten his hands on an ancient book. Want to see it?
Notes to Players:
I’m looking for 4-5 players for this game. It’s set in the modern world and will involve occult/mysterious forces out to do Bad Things to humanity.
Given that the game takes place within a university, all characters should have some reason for attending seminars and classes. Also, I’d like everyone to start out about equal in status. I’ve removed the higher-status cards (doctor, professor, etc.) and added some others (undergrad, junior prof, etc). If you decide to create your own role card, please keep this in mind.
Feel free to create your own strength, weakness, and subplot cards.
Hosted and narrated by:
EM (EmFlame)
Started 08/28/14.
Scenes played: 2
License: Community License