This city is a dark place, filled with secrets, lies and fear. The more…interesting members of society are kept in check by the veil, the rules that keep the special ones safe and the mundane ones blind. Enforcing these unwritten and interpreted rules is you, the unofficial sheriffs of this city. Put together by the various groups of Vampires, Werewolves, Magic users and others that call the city home to act as unbiased as possible. It is a thankless and troublesome task but someone has to do it.
Your job has been made harder tonight due to the murder of powerful Vampire Pierre Bonhomme. Some say it was a werewolf, others claim magic is at work but then again it isn’t above other Vampires to bump off their rivals. It is up to you to solve this case before the blame game becomes all out war. There are many suspects and no one is truly innocent. The real question is will you find out who is guilty? Who did cause The Final Death of Pierre Bonhomme?
OOC stuff.
Looking for a smallish group of about three (possibly more at a push) regular posters. Custom cards are always welcome, as I’m sure there are many different possibilities for characters I didn’t think of.
The first scene will be at the crime scene. The characters will already know each other. What with having the same job and all.
I have left the world intentionally vague so anything the players want to establish regarding world building can be put in and we can build this nameless city together.
Any other questions feel free to ask. Hopefully you enjoy.
Hosted and narrated by:
Drayner (Drayner)
Started 07/15/14.
Scenes played: 4
License: Community License