It is the dawn of civilization.
A neolithic revolution is allowing humans to cease their nomadic wanderings. Permanent settlements are springing up in fertile river valleys around the world, places that will someday be known as Mesopotamia, Egypt, China, and India.
Plants and animals have been domesticated, bending to the will of those with the patience and understanding to change the course of evolution. Simple tribal roles and traditions have grown into complex institutions of government and religion. Advanced technology has afforded the luxury of specialization, advancing everything from art to architecture to record keeping.
It is a time of adventure and opportunity, where humanity has awakened to understand its true potential.
But, it is also a time of great peril.
The world remains a wild, unforgiving place, fraught with danger. The horrors of famine, disease, wild animals, and natural disasters threaten to snuff out civilization’s flickering light, as does the cruelty, greed, and ambitions of the newly civilized humans themselves.
It is your world.
It is your story.
Make it epic.
Based on Michael Chambers & Holly Fain’s “World Analysis and Communications” class at Manor New Technology High School
Hosted and narrated by:
Started 09/17/14.
Scenes played: 5
License: Community License