For three decades, the once peaceful Kingdom of Alavorn has been torn apart by civil war. Upon the death of the beloved King Sagaron of the House of the Griffin, the powerful House of the Dragon declared Sagaron’s chosen heir illegitimate and unfit for the crown, putting forward their own purported heir to the throne. The other great noble houses of the realm chose their sides, and the land descended into chaos and war.
After thirty years of bloody battle, both houses have finally lost their taste for war. The armies are exhausted, and years of poor harvests have left the country on the brink of famine. If peace cannot be achieved, it seems doom shall come to all of Alavorn.
With disaster looming, the Dragon and the Griffin have reluctantly agreed to a truce, swearing to call a moot at which all the great noble houses of Alavorn shall finally settle the matter of succession without further bloodshed. Little do they realize that they will soon be faced with an even greater threat than one another.
Hosted and narrated by:
Lux Tizer (Luxtizer)
Started 07/12/18.
Scenes played: 3
License: Host License