This story starts out in modern-day America, in a small town in Illinois called Pekin. There is one high school, one movie theater, one Walmart… It’s a small town. The nearest big city (Peoria) is about a 30-minute drive and you must cross 2 bridges to get there. We follow the story of a small group of friends who decide to go explore an old abandoned house in their neighborhood. The house was built hundreds of years ago and no one really knows the back story, but there are plenty of local legends. It’s dark and creepy, but in this boring town what else have we got to do? While inside they find a strange object that opens a portal to another world, a world resembling middle earth that is home to many creatures one only dreams about. Some creatures are friendly, but many are not and seek blood. What will this journey hold in store for our heroines? How will they get home?
We have had a few people disappear and I want to reopen in case someone wants to take over a character. Simply recreate the character and then I’ll retire the old one.
Available characters:
- Amberly Brighton
- Joselyn Blunt
- Gordon L. Miles
You may also create a non-human character native to Plendria.
Hosted and narrated by:
Drucellia (Drucellia)
Started 12/08/21.
Scenes played: 4
License: Community License