As a galaxy-spanning war grows ever more intense, the humans of the Canonic Union launch a desperate offensive against their enemy: the alien Barrani Imperative.
In 2686 the Imperative decides that a show of strength might cause the humans to back off while they deal with the threat of a third party. Their target is a command of 1300 canonic marines marooned on the binary arctic planet of Kash in the An system. Rescue by the Union Fleets is impossible because of massive beacon-directed cannons on lunar fortifications of the nearby gas giant Khursag.
Efforts to destroy the cannons by orbital bombing have proved fruitless. So that three cruisers can pick up the stranded men and recover the wreckage of their downed ship, Commodore Craftington gathers a team of commandos to infiltrate the Khursag installations and destroy the cannons.
I’m looking for about 3-4 players to take on the roles of the commandos and rise to the challenge of rescuing the marrooned soldiers.
While this story finds it’s premise in a space-opera interpretation of MacLean’s novel, I look forward to seeing what twists, turns and outcomes it will have once it departs those roots in your capable minds and hands!
Hosted and narrated by:
Elan Isenberg (Rhanite)
Started 05/27/14.
Scenes played: 3
License: Community License