However, the crier conveniently forgets to mention the blood, gore and high chance of losing your life.
This game is a simple concept, but I am sure it will be enjoyable. It is an anything-goes, free-for-all player-vs-player arena. Your character can be absolutely anything, I will still accept it. When you are accepted, you are immediately put into battle against the other players. Act fast, or you may be killed. Each player has a 1 point challenge card representing them. If your challenge is fulfilled, you are dead. Dead players cannot move and will be removed from the game. You may make another if it is possible. I do not know. When you kill a player, the 3 outcomes represent how tired you are after a murder. Strong allows you to keep on playing, uncertain requires you to wait for one other move before playing again, and weak requires 2 moves. You win control of the story even if you complete the challenge uncertainly btw. Each “round”, 5 players are accepted and sent to battle. Win the round by being the last man standing. Win 3 rounds with the same character and you win.
One thing you should remember is this: this game is all about working fast. You have to kill everyone else before they kill you. New “rounds” will start at random times, so as to make it fair for everyone. You CAN make truces, but those have to be made in a move. If you make a truce in a move, the player you made it with must agree. They cannot go back on that agreement. They are to make this agreement before you make the move, in the comments, but be warned, it takes precious time.
Hosted and narrated by:
Somebody (Nahtanojrepus)
Started 05/04/14.
Scenes played: 1
License: Community License