7th grade is tough. You are no longer the big man on campus, and everything is changing. Your burgeoning powers and the necessity to maintain a proper secret identity only make things even more complicated.
Will you fail geometry? Will you be able to stop Professor Proton? Will you be stuffed in a locker by a bully, or will you use your powers and hope no one notices? Will old friends abandon you, will you meet new ones?
So many questions…Let’s see how it turns out.
Reference Materials:
General Reference: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wdhU3JpzmRhLK2_YlD4CrTVhvkHI623o8wOIRBJWu6I/edit?usp=sharing
Class Schedules: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1iEqeLeHIPqrtPGND0KJctDXnvBEYlBuJ9Z2OLqd9bJM/edit?usp=sharing
Hosted and narrated by:
Lance (ShockLance)
Started 09/17/18.
Scenes played: 4
License: Host License