In a land once ruled by feuding monarchs, a fragile peace exists. King Harold the Benevolent brokered an alliance of the four kingdoms that has allowed all lands to prosper. But upon his deathbed, some plot to bring chaos into the land and grab power for themselves. Can you keep the kingdoms united, or will you seek your glory and choose sides in a war that may soon come?
Narrator’s Note:
First time narrating an open game so be gentle on me. Feel free to add and embellish during the down times if you are feeling feisty.
This is a typical fantasy game. I would like to see people write in third person present tense. I am looking for between 3-6 characters. Please make sure you check the other approved characters so as not to have duplications. You may, in your character description, include mention of a special item or weapon (which I will bestow upon you if your character is approved).
Hosted and narrated by:
Jeff Bailey (Sylar)
Started 06/28/14.
Scenes played: 2
License: Community License