This is really good stuff, and will be the foundation for your character!
A world is split up in two, the desert place, and the Great Forest.
Man has been judged and no longer lives with nature but has been forced into the desert, where they would build kingdoms.
Our story plays out in the kingdom Maidenway.
Maidenway is mainly run by justice and wisdom.
The spirit of people here is strong, those who do not obey the law are met with little mercy from the kingdom.
Our story plays out in the city of Portcullis.
That is, like all other cities placed close to rivers, near the great forest.
The guards of Portcullis all wear red armor.
Outside - dangers are the Vaspians, lawless and ruthless, they seek the destruction of all cities.
They live in deserted castles around the land and scavanging, and are kept in line by ruthless tyranny.
They have taken many cities all around in Maidenway.
Our characters will all belong to the clan: Fireflanel, However some may work for other clans without others knowledge (Depending on personal mission given by Narrater.)
Fireflanel are on the frontlines fighting against criminality in the city of Portcullis, trying to save the city from the evil influences that attacks the city.
Half of our characters belong to the same family, namely: Cartwright family.
Your last name is therefor: Cartwright.
Half of our characters belong to the family Cornwallis.
Your last name is therefor: Cornwallis.
Choose wisely, write in your about what family you belong to.
These two families are good friends, therefor You will be given into marriage with the sons and daughters of the other family
You will become friends with others, and with bots, in the mission to fight crime in the city.
However, Everyone will be given a secret mission, so some may be backstabbers, you dont know that.
You will be given a job, so in character creation - Nature, You write your calling or purpose.
The jobs are:
Evil inside agent. (When agent gets the order, he will kill the one player of his liking)
Detective. (Will get 2 names of who is not agent)
Commander. (Everyone will know who this is)
Intelligence. ( Gets information through Narrator of all moves made by the agent and all information he gets from above)
Guard: ( Can kill the one he believes to be agent if he is wrong, he will be excecuted by the kingdom)
NOTICE: That strength card includes an abillity, i would like to see things like: “ ETERNAL STRIKE, A DEADLY MOVE, ETC” Something like that would be epic!
Make an epic move.
I will accept anything that badly hurts or finnishes off one NPC, or that greatly boosts you.
You cant buff your allies.
i also accept debuffing many enemies
You will also be given a weapon(s) or gadgetry suiting your special attack so it works properly.
In each battle, Commander will go first, and based upon his strategy the others will move accordingly
(Exampel, Bob cover right, Jane put smokescreen left)
he also writes who will take next turn like this.
“1. Bob 2. Jane 3. Ghost 4. Max 5. Rose”
You will have children as well (Bots)
Everyone will be assigned a personal secret mission after character creation.
Hosted and narrated by:
Started 03/21/19.
Scenes played: 1
License: Community License