The Alliance Deep Space Science Ship (ADSSS) Veritas and crew embark on her maiden mission of exploration. The goal is to explore beyond the boundaries of known space to Tensor Strand, a dense filament of stars that twists along the boarder of a vast dark bubble of emptiness embedded in the Milky Way.
The mission promises to be full of adventure, surprise, friendship, challenge and drama.
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Did you ever wonder what it would be like to be on a Star Ship or maybe you just want to write credibly about stories of space adventure? Our main goal is to have fun telling compelling stories about adventure and exploration in space. As a secondary goal we will nudge our cast of writers to insert credible science when possible and appropriate to create a more authentic and realistic tale.
The posting limits for each move are a little larger than normal in this game to include more details in each cast player’s move.
We are looking for more players rather than fewer, so it is fine to have multiple science officers, engineers etc. However rank is earned by showing commitment to the game and making regular moves.
Hosted and narrated by:
Fred (Talos_Creek)
Started 06/30/14.
Scenes played: 4
License: Community License