A Teenage Super-Hero Space Opera Game
In the 35th Century, humanity has left the planet Earth far behind and stretched out across the galaxy, colonizing most of the known universe and encountering myriad alien species along the way. The human colonies and their alien allies have joined together in the Galactic Congruity, a loose republic of five hundred independent worlds.
These worlds are protected by young heroes known as the Centurions of the Galactic Core – a virtual legion of super-heroes, each possessing one unique power and dedicated to the common good. Together they work to defend the Congruity from power-mad dictators, space pirates, and monstrous alien beasts.
CGC is a roleplaying game inspired by the Legion of Super-Heroes comics, and has a Silver Age space-story feel to it. Your character is a new recruit to the Centurions, gifted with unusual powers and saddled with an old-fashioned name. Will you find romance among the stars, or will you make the ultimate sacrifice to save your world?
Character Creation
A character must have the following in her or his (or their) description:
Hero Name: Must be of the form — Lad or — Boy (male characters), — Girl or — Lass (female characters), or — Kid (any character). Your name should describe or hint at your power.
Real Name: It should be something space-y, like a Star Wars name.
Super-Powers: Based on your Strength card choice.
Home Planet: Make up a name for it. Does everyone have your powers, or just you? If just you, how did you get your powers?
Note: This is the second Storium game set in the CGC universe. The continuity will be the same, but the player characters and missions will be different.
Hosted and narrated by:
Queen's Cavalier (Caoimhe)
Started 04/29/14.
Scenes played: 3
License: Community License