You’ve seen the commercials. You’ve heard the radio ads. You’ve read the testimonials. You’ve even watched the documentary TV show. You know the InSpectres.
In a world rife with ghosts, ghouls, and goblins, the Inspectres are the (privatized) front line of defense. When you’ve got werewolves on your property, vampires in your attic, or just a ghost that won’t stop stacking your chairs when you plan on using them, these are the people you call.
And it just so happens that a new franchise is opening in your area. That 9-5 grind isn’t quite the highlight of your life. The days are long and far from enjoyable. Maybe this is the perfect place to start fresh.
Welcome to InSpectres, a game inspired by the tabletop RPG by Momento Mori Games. In this heavily structured beginner game, you play as employees of the newly opened InSpectres franchise as they set up shop and go out on their first mission.
In this game, beginners will learn:
-How to make a character
-How the various types of cards work, including neutral cards
-How challenges work, including special rules a narrator might add to challenges
-How to strategize and work challenges using the game and card rules of Storium
-How to ignore the game and let this be a collaborative writing experience.
Hosted and narrated by:
Started 09/12/18.
Scenes played: 1
License: Community License