In the dark streets of Darkcity, anything can happen. Usually something dark and evil and sinister and dark.
You walk the shadowed streets with strange purpose and inhuman mirth… Probably mirth? Let’s say it’s mirth. You’ve heard that there’s a man on Spooky Street who can grant any wish.
And you’re desperate enough to take him up on his claim.
Street Spooky is a dark urban fantasy campaign with an over the top and comedic bend.
Writing ability will be important, players with the ability to write coherent sentences will be picked over others. That aside, this isn’t a very serious game. I mean, you clicked on a link that said “Street Spooky”. What even is that?
Hosted and narrated by:
The Taskmaster (Ixis)
Started 04/14/14.
Scenes played: 5
License: Community License