This game is going to be an experiment in freeform writing prompted by The Storymatic.
The Storymatic is a writing workshopping tool, with lots of random character and story prompts. The idea is that you draw some cards and make up a story based on them. I’ve written a review of it here, with some examples:
I intend to do as much as possible in this game using that box of prompts. Characters and NPCs will be based on it, and settings, items, goals, and subplots will be suggested by it. You don’t have to have your own copy of it to play; I’ll be doing all the drawing for the game.
When you create a character, I will send you four character prompts. Choose whichever two most interest you, and base your character on them. I will also send you four plot prompts. Choose two, then incorporate both of those into your Subplot. Pick whatever Strengths and Weaknesses seem appropriate based on those.
As for the setting, assume it’s present-day, real-world. There may or may not be magic—I’m neither requiring or forbidding it. There may or may not be superscience, superheroes, high tech gadgetry, etc. Come up with your characters and I’ll see if I can base a world around them. I may ask for changes to your characters to make them harmonize better.
Then I’ll draw some more story prompts and off we’ll go!
Hopefully, this will be a fun experiment. We’ll see.
Hosted and narrated by:
Chris Meadows (Robotech_Master)
Started 04/26/15.
Scenes played: 3
License: Community License