Since the Great Solar War six decades ago, the Sol system has been held in an uneasy peace. There is enough enmity in the older ruling classes of Jupiter’s moons and Earth’s ruling elite to fuel frosty relations and strong words, but a new generation has grown up largely ignorant of the pain and suffering the war caused. This generation are keen to put the past behind them and to move on, remembering the spirit of endeavour that caused humanity to reach for the outer system in the first place.
You were born into this generation, a child of the New Order - the empire spanning the moons of Jupiter and Saturn. You are eager to regain your ancestors’ thirst for exploration and conquest, and determined not to let politics and history stand in the way of your career. The entire Solar System beckons: what will you do?
This story is based in the Sol Trader universe - see More information on the history is here:
I have another game running set on Earth here: - this is a parallel game in the same universe set on Io to explore the world from the other side of the tracks…
Feel free to make up a backstory on your character based on these constraints. I’ll request revisions if it doesn’t quite fit. I’m after a few different characters, which I will probably bring into the story at set points. Don’t worry if I don’t accept you straight away.
My overriding aim is to flesh out the Sol Trader universe, so I might reproduce the narrative in original or edited form on, in the game itself, or elsewhere. If you submit a character, then I’m assuming you’re giving me permission to do this royalty-free. In return I’ll make sure to credit you in the game if anything makes it in :)
Expected content rating 12A/PG-13: no profanity or adult references please. I’d like my kids to be able to read it :)
I don’t mind you joining both games if you like!
Thanks - welcome to the adventure! :)
Hosted and narrated by:
Chris Parsons (chrismdp)
Started 05/23/14.
Scenes played: 2
License: Community License