The world is going to hell. Fuel is running out, tensions are rising, small nations making big noises with weapons to break the world wide open. It looks like it could be the end for a lot of us, this time it might really happen.
But some scientists refuse to give up on humanity and, in attempt to create a working FTL drive, something new and unexpected happens. They discover a way to miniaturise people down to 100th of their normal size.
You are part of a team of volunteers are to undertake a grand experiment. You and your comrades will be shrank and attempt to live off the land for two weeks, before being returned to your normal size. Part of the mission is to investigate and side effects of miniaturisation and any potential health implications.
Everything is far more than top secret. The experiment is to be run in a secret location somewhere in the United Kingdom, but the volunteers have been drawn from a range of fields and nations who have invested resources or personnel to project Wonderland.
Now your two weeks are almost up and, as fun as this adventure has been, you’re keen to get back to normal size again. Some of you more than others as you have noticed some off side effects of your change.
But as the day approaches, you lose contact with your colleagues in the full sized world. They are not answering your calls….
The idea behind this game is to investigate what would happen if a group of people found themselves cut off from society in a miniaturised form. I foresee battles with wasps, run-ins with ants, investigating a full sized home for information when you are only 2 cms tall. There will be side effects and ramifications galore.
I’m looking for a team, you guys have been working together for the last 12 days and you were colleagues before that so you will know each other. Some of you may have been in, or formed relationships.
There needs to be a certain suspension of disbelief here as science tells us eyes and ears and voices would not work as normal at those sizes. You will weigh what you would weigh if you were that big in other words, not much. But you will be able to leap very high and be able to lift many times your own body weight, you are harder to damage your skin is less easy to cut. Mind you a wasp sting or an ant bite at this size could be deadly.
You have a small amount of miniaturised cattle and crops, not all have been successful scaled down, soe of the crops have failed and for no apparant reason, chickens die in a matter of hours. You are also learning to live off the bounty of the ‘garden’ a typical garden with bushes, trees, vegetable and fruit crops.
A long way away in your scale, is the ‘House’ a mid-sized suburban home where the science happens in an underground bunker. That is where the miniaturisation/enlargement equipment exists.
If you can get to it.
Hosted and narrated by:
Started 05/25/17.
Scenes played: 2
License: Community License