Your assistance in a secret government research expedition has been requested by telegram. All you know from the telegram is, that it is about some ruins deep in the Peruvian jungle and that your assistance has been requested ASAP.
I’ll use the standard occult pulp horror deck so expect some Lovecraftian nightmare-fuel. I’ll add to the deck if I find something lacking. Feel free to bring in your own ideas! I want this to be fun and am open to any and all ideas :)
Please write a little bio for the character including why the government might have selected you (if the character has any clue as to why) and why you accepted (or maybe you were forced or tricked into it?)
I’m looking for 3-5 players, if I get more applications I’ll choose whoever I think would work best together. And if that fails I’ll toss a coin. That will not mean I found your character boring or lacking in any way and I apologize for not choosing you.
Hosted and narrated by:
Started 05/08/14.
Scenes played: 6
License: Community License