It was just a normal day…then BAM, a portal appeared! 🕳🔮🌪💥
Whatever universe you were in, well that’s disappeared, and you have been transported to a completely different universe?!🌍🌏🌎
Who knew alternate universes existed!
Join the journey through the portals! You may find one that is made for you?!
Different time periods, different dimensions, different rules! You may have to do a bunch of crazy things just to fit in! ☄️✨🌍🌊🕚🕛🕒
Create a game set within the multiverses. Each world will have a supervillain created by the players based on a given name which has something to do with the world!
Hosted and narrated by:
Kelly T (kezboheme)
Started 06/12/21.
Scenes played: 2
License: Community License