Hello, and welcome to the show. This is currently broadcasting on all Australian digital television channels, audio on all radio stations, and for the teens who have no idea what either of those are or our international viewers, live-streaming on our website. My name is Adam, and for the next few days, I will be showing you what the world really is. All of this is live and real, and something I’ve been wanting to prove for a very long time.
We are currently located in Booraka Shopping Centre. Around the doors to the area is impassable barriers. In the car-parks surrounding, there is approximately four hundred army personnel, which I have procured to my cause. If anyone tries to get into this building, be it police, politicians, or ordinary citizens, they will be shot and killed. Good experiments don’t have outside influences.
Inside the shopping mall is one hundred people. Fifty male, fifty female. One half of our experiment is the control group, people who are everyday citizens like you or me. The other half of them have been hiding secrets from the outside world. They are not who they say they are. These people are responsible for centuries of lies, murder and manipulation. One half will be the treatment group, who have what most people would call supernatural or magical powers.
The experiment is simple. The last subject left will leave this place alive. The rest will die.
Each subject will receive a pistol with six shots, a map of the shopping centre broken up into areas, and a rulebook. In order to prevent stalemates and to prevent people from thinking twice about disobeying rules, each subject will also receive a small mark on their wrist. It will activate if the subject steps into a forbidden area or there has been no deaths in the last hour. If activated, the subject will have a powerful jolt of poison flow into their veins, killing them instantly.
What is the point of this? Well, it’s quite simple. I felt that the best way to expose the crimes that the treatment group has wrought upon society is to show it to you directly. After what I have seen, I find it impossible that nobody in the world would believe me without proof. Here is that proof. I will break the barrier between us ordinary folk and the extraordinary, and show you their true colours and what they are capable of.
Welcome to the real world.
The time is six a.m., the twenty-second of January.
Hosted and narrated by:
Mitchel (Dropbear)
Started 05/12/14.
Scenes played: 2
License: Community License