In the 22nd century, humanity made its first tentative steps into the unknown - undaunted by the vastness that lay before them.
It is now the 24th Century, and everything has changed. Humanity pushed far to the galactic north; colonising many planets; until they found the Khetan. Or, more specifically, the Khetan found us. An Armoured Simian Race, who strike out against Humanity like Viking Raiders of old have turned the United Coalition of Systems into a civilisation always ready to defend itself from alien attack.
Whilst The United Coalition Navy strikes against the ‘dirty space apes’; their actions filling the holovids, lives of all kinds continue across Coalition Space, inside the Core Worlds, through Ringspace and even up to the Belt on the edge of the borders of the Khetan Empire; countless lives go by every day. It is these lives that will be documented here; as the Crew of the Nerea, a small star clipper from the Belt; desperately tries to make a living in these troubling times.
Hosted and narrated by:
Daniel Trigg (apostateparagons)
Started 05/20/16.
Scenes played: 1
License: Community License