The land known as Amber has been divided into seven kingdoms, which have stood for close to 10,000 years. Oberon’s children founded these Seven Kingdoms, the offspring of each of Oberon’s seven wives claiming a kingdom. While Oberon’s children may still live, they have not been involved in affairs in Amber for several millennia, and are worshiped as gods by the people of Amber. The great city of Amber is long gone, and the ruins of the city have been long lost.
You hail from the Kingdom of the North, ruled over by King Damon Stark, who is uncle to some of you. The Kingdom of the North is the largest of all of the Seven Kingdoms, and governing it is no easy task. But you are young and filled with a spirit of adventure, far removed from the drudgery of ruling.
This game is a mashup of the A Song of Ice and Fire series (Game of Thrones) by George R. R. Martin and The Amber Chronicles by Roger Zelazny. It is set roughly 1,000 years prior to the events of the A Song of Ice and Fire series (prior to the arrival of Nymeria and the Rhoynar in Dorne, and long before the Targaryen conquest of Westeros), and roughly 10,000 years after the events of The Amber Chronicles.
The game will be focused heavily on roleplaying, though challenges will be used where needed.
There is an extensive wiki for the game setting, which I recommend that you peruse prior to creating a character. It explains a lot of the differences between the source material and my game world. It can be found here: (You will notice that there are other games that I have run in this setting; those have all been face to face games. This is my first attempt at running a play by post game in this setting.)
In order to create a character for this game, you will need to consult this page:
Characters that do not fit the guidelines on that page will be rejected.
I will be taking only 3-4 players via open invitation. So if your character is declined, it may be because the game filled up super fast!
Hosted and narrated by:
Dawn Vogel (scarywhitegirl)
Started 05/22/14.
Scenes played: 15
License: Community License