This story is based on a game written by @kowabungadoodles based on this post.
It’s free to use and distribute under Creative Commons.
You will be creating a Jane Austen-ish character with a clear motivation. Over the course of a week’s long society party in Regency England, you must complete your goal: Is it to marry for love? Money? To marry off your useless, layabout son? To get laid? To be the talk of the town? To insult everybody and have a great time?
Much of the story will revolve around Eligibles, those young bachelors and bachelorettes that set Society all a-twitter. But there is a role in every story for the sneaky servants, overbearing Grand Dames and nefarious rakes as well. Come have fun in Regency England!
Hosted and narrated by:
Grace Wimbish (scienceoffalling)
Started 10/28/19.
Scenes played: 1
License: Community License