You are just an ordinary college student in an quaint town called Hackett. Hackett is nestled in the heart of the Midwest, not quite a “small town”, but certainly not a big city, either. Residents like to say it’s “just big enough”. They have a mall, a movie theater, schools, a park; everything they need.
You attend Hackett University which is considered an extension of the local school district. Very few of the students opt to venture elsewhere for their higher education and few more choose not to go to college at all.
Overall, it’s a peaceful place; rumors may pass around, but rarely does anything really bad happen. The police force is a joke, simply because they never have anything to do. Everyone has some skeletons in their closet - and yours are worse than most - but, for the most part, they stay secret.
One day, you receive a sort of summons, an “invitation” to play a wicked game in return for keeping your worst secrets hidden. You have no idea why you’ve been targeted, much less how someone found out what you did, but you certainly can’t stand back and let this person ruin your life. Will you play the rules? Or will you do some investigating of your own to figure out who’s behind this?
**Background Information:
There are 6 characters available; only one of each sort you find in the Nature cards can be claimed. The Nature will tell you some things about your character that are set in stone, and I invite you to create a rich history to support that. (I created a strength, weakness, and subplot that I believe could match each Nature, but I encourage you to create your own Strength, Weakness, and Subplot card.)
I am looking for active, committed players. If someone drops out or disappears partway through the game, they cannot simply be replaced. And I would like this story to progress quickly, so I would appreciate if you can post a couple times a day.
This story will be a mix of creative liberty and things that are set in stone. When possible, I will allow you to continue the story as you see fit when completing a challenge; but know that if you are introducing a clue to the blackmailer’s identity, it may be a false trail.
In order to keep secrets secret from other characters, we will need to be able to communicate through e-mail, at least before the story starts. When you submit your character, you can email me at to let me know who you submitted, and let em know if there was any secrets you had in mind already. Or, you can include your email address either in your character description or the little note to the narrator when you submit.
Hosted and narrated by:
Megan Schmieder (Meegs)
Started 05/30/14.
Scenes played: 3
License: Community License