It’s been year since the omnipotent and omniscient Minds left and everything ended.
You heard stories that this place was once called W’aste and was a shining example of the Culture. There are still some raiders that remember those days, but generally they went mad and ended it long ago.
Most of the raiders are children of the Strongholds, born before the brainwaste plague destroyed them.
Now the raiders live a nomadic hand to mouth existence scavenging the ruins for anything they can find. Bands meet up only by accident or to trade at one of the few protein spinners.
Life is hard, but your group is one of the few that still has hopes and dreams.
Please write in third person and keep any gory violence or sex off camera.
Hosted and narrated by:
Gordon McDonald (Mindwanders)
Started 05/03/14.
Scenes played: 5
License: Community License