There are things that go bump in the night, monsters and other beings of evil. You’re one of the chosen few, who knows the truth, and who has decided to use that knowledge for the good of humanity.
Inspired by TV shows like Supernatural and Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, “Saving People, Hunting Things” is a game about fighting and destroying monsters. But it takes all kinds to fight the good fight–characters may be the front line fighters, or they may be researchers, religious, or even those who some would hunt as monsters. While the game draws inspiration from the above sources, the monster “mythology” for this game will be that which we create in play, and may not adhere to what you know of these shows.
Character backgrounds MUST include:
1) When and where you first encountered the supernatural, and how it impacted you.
2) A bit of explanation of your Strength, Weakness, and Sub-Plot (moreso if you write your own).
3) A character picture.
I’ll probably be accepting 4-6 players for this game. If you’re playing anything that involves magic or other supernatural powers, expect some back and forth on character creation, as my goal is to avoid a huge power imbalance between the norms and the special characters. Once we get the characters established, I plan on running at least one shared back-story establishment scene, so that you will all be familiar with one another before the actual story starts.
Additional inspiration for this game provided by Monster of the Week, which is one of the many Apocalypse World hacks out there.
Hosted and narrated by:
Dawn Vogel (scarywhitegirl)
Started 05/13/14.
Scenes played: 14
License: Community License