You’re a low-ranking crewmen on the Universal Union flagship Intrepid. The ship used to be known for the strange amount of crew deaths, but because of the actions of Andy Dhal and his friends, everything that was wrong righted itself. The Narrative had stopped and the insane death toll on the ship had returned to normal.
But that was five years ago. The Narrative has come back, and the Intrepid‘s ensigns are dying at an alarming rate. And once again, the ship’s commanding officers seems to be oblivious to it, even Kerensky, who helped solve the problem the first time.
The Narrative is back, people are dying in stupid ways for lame reasons, and no one seems to realize what’s going on.
The Commanding Officers (Stars of the The Chronicles of the Intrepid: The Next Chapter):
Captain Abernathy - Captain of the Intrepid
Commander Q’eeng - Chief Science Officer and second-in-command
Lt. Commander West - Chief Engineer
Doctor Hartnell - Chief Medical Officer
Lt. Commander Kerensky - Head Astrogator
Narrator Note: If you’ve never read John Scalzi’s Redshirts, you might not get how this story works, so I will explain it as best as I can (I recommend reading, it’s great).
You will be playing low-ranking crewman on the Intrepid, where odd things keep happening. None of the main officers (the listed above) seem to die no matter how hurt they get or what happens to them, but whenever an ensign is around them on away missions, they seem to die, almost without fail. This is a story set in a world like Star Trek, but from the redshirts’ point of view.
What you (your characters) don’t know is that a TV show is impeding on your world and taking over. The Narrative (which I will control) is when the “show” becomes more dramatic and you are at it’s mercy…which may…ahem…will lead to death.
This story will take place five years after the book, and none of the original characters (save the bridge crew) will be the same. I may throw them in as cameos later on. A new show has begun, and the Narrative has taken over.
If you’re playing you will be less likely to die (unless your Nature is Redshirt), but it could still happen, in which, just edit your character to be a new redshirt.
Playing Info: There are two modes of play in this story. Normal Mode and Narrative Mode. I will indicate when something is in Narrative Mode, if this is not indicated as such, it is Normal Mode.
Normal Mode: In Normal Mode, you are in control of your actions and life, this will function like any other Storium story. If there are challenges in Normal Mode they will often be there to advance the plot of the story, however, playing certain cards may trigger the Narrative. Wild cards may be played as you see fit.
Narrative Mode: In Narrative Mode, your life is no longer yours and you will be at the mercy of the Narrative. You will be forced to do or say things you wouldn’t normally do or say. Normal physics and logic are thrown out the door to make things more dramatic. Your character may die because of this takeover. Be careful of how you play cards in Narrative Mode. Wild Cards may be played as you see fit. If you win control of the story in Narrative Mode, you may control it as you see fit, even making things worse for everyone else. You become the Narrative temporarily. But pay attention to the cards played on the challenge please. Once your control of the story is over, the Narrative will act based on your cards.
Death Info: If your character should die. You will have to edit your character’s name, picture, and backstory to be a new character. At this time, Storium doesn’t let you change your Nature and cards, so you will have the same flavor as before, but you can be a different person. The only exception to this is the “Redshirt” Nature, if you’re playing a Redshirt, you have no back story…and you will die the most, so you are just an extra, unlike everyone else who are glorified extras.
Feel free to make your own Subplots, so long as they fit the setting. Custom Natures will have to be approved by me first. Everyone in this game is human. It is established that there are alien races, but you will be playing humans. I’m looking to start with 5-6 players, maybe adding more later on.
At the beginning of this story, none of your characters will be aware of the Narrative and how it works, even after it takes over a few times. It’ll take a while before you figure something is wrong.
Hosted and narrated by:
Andrew Ronzino (KingGramJohnson)
Started 05/12/14.
Scenes played: 11
License: Community License