In a land rich with magic, the inhabitants of Khoshekh have learned only the most rudimentary magical skills.
Some among them have learned enough to harness greater powers and are both revered and feared for it.
What all the people know, including the magicians, is that the true masters of the magics that flow throughout Khoshekh are the gods that walk the earth.
The gods were there long before the people and will probably be there long after. Their powers are immense and they have complete control of the lands they walk. They bring the storms and the earthquakes, the fires that ravage the land. But they also bring the gentle rains, and the summer breeze .
And they consider the people who live on their land nothing more that interesting playthings. No being is safe if a god’s gaze falls upon them and the people who live in Khoshekh do everything in the power to keep the gods content and uninterested in playing with its inhabitants.
But a handful of individuals find themselves waking in the temple of Arize, the goddess of light and the bearer of fire. They are about to be given a quest that will test all their skills and one they can’t refuse.
No man refuses the gods and lives to talk about it.
Hosted and narrated by:
Sara Rose (Raxhel)
Started 04/16/14.
Scenes played: 4
License: Community License