Thanks for checking out Pulp Vol.2- The Idol of Serpent Skirt!
This is the second in a series of stories written in the style of the old pulp books and radio dramas from the 30-60s. Hopefully we can capture the spirit of that, but we definitely don’t want to go hammy with it. In other words, no need to “Give ‘em what for, mac.” or “I don’t like the cut of your mustard, see.” If you are familiar with the genre, they were fast paced adventures, heavy hitting dramas, and some really fun mysteries. Some times you even got all that with some good writing to boot!
Think Adam Savage, Indiana Jones, Dick Tracey, The Shadow, and Sargon The Sorcerer all mashed up into one and you are on the right track for what the “Pulp” Volumes can be.
Vol. 2 will be a globe trotting adventure with supernatural elements . . . and as it is one of my single narrations, that is all you will get from me.
If this is your first time in one of my narrations, you should know that I do enjoy keeping my players guessing. However, I can tell you the year is 1950 and our story opens at an art auction being held at Dragsholm Slot in Denmark.
I have some pre-made character natures (Vol. 1 specific removed, a few Vol. 2 specific added) which can give you a head start. I have also set up a number of strength and weakness cards and some VERY general goal cards. Freshly written cards are welcome, but I will be looking for them to fit the genre.
Hope you like the concept and I look forward to writing with you! I am looking for writers who are moderately active and are looking to complete a story. I think anywhere between 5-7 is a good number for a group.
I will be a little more selective than usual for applications as I like using the Pulp stories to showcase some great Storium players and writers.
Thanks everyone, and I look forward to writing with you!
One final note about natures: Regardless of the picture I used, most natures are gender-nuetral except for one: - The Vamp is specifically female.
Hosted and narrated by:
Matt Moran (zeromusic)
Started 09/30/18.
Scenes played: 2
License: Community License