In a world where monsters lurk around every corner and immortal sorcerers wreak havoc and curses are a part of life you play the members of The Public Domain; characters who have not only figured out they are fictional but who have also decided that seeing as they are no longer bound by copyright that they shall form a team to fight all evils that can sneak into the pages of a story that isn’t its own.
O.K here’s the gist I want everyone to play a real literary character that is in the public domain. I’m from Canada so that means 50 years after the author’s death or anything that didn’t have its copyright renewed. I’ll only accept 4 to six players and will create obstacles and opponents based on who’s in this story. Feel free to customize your cards of all stripes.
Hosted and narrated by:
Neil MacInnis (TheBlackFedora)
Started 05/22/14.
Scenes played: 1
License: Community License