prompt (n.) - A word or phrase that brings inspiration to write on a certain topic.
How It Works
The idea is simple.
Address the provided writing prompt using your cards to complete the three challenges.
The three challenges are always the same; character, scene, action.
Character Creation
Choose the only Nature card, Writer.
Choose a writing style as your Strength.
Choose a writing style as your Weakness.
Choose the only Subplot card, Complete a Challenge.
For the bio choose any writing style and address the following writing prompt:
Genre - Memoir/Autobiography
Character - Yourself or the fictional writer you plan to post as.
Scenario - You have been chosen to participate in a Storium game. This one or any other is fine.
This game WILL be marked NSFW. I do not wish to hinder anyone’s writing in any way. With genres like horror and erotica, especially, there will be violence, gore and sexuality. So be warned.
Ideally this would have 3-5 players. 5 being the maximum.
Hosted and narrated by:
Zach Paras (zparas)
Started 08/15/14.
Scenes played: 3
License: Community License