It’s been months since the CommBomb hit and the city is still under martial law. A few geniuses have been able to repair some of the electronics, but the records have been wiped. Most of the technology of our once great civilization is now nothing more than useless trash. Not even the military has any idea what’s going on, their perimeter has began to dissipate and their ranks have fallen into a disarray of apathy and despair, not even they could stop the riots. All they could do was shoot, kill, run, or be overrun. There’s no help, there’s nobody else anywhere else that has any solutions, and if there was, there’s no way of hearing about it or being able to contact them. No one has been able to link to a single satellite since it happened.
A new order has begun to rise, a primal order. The haves have collected their resources and are jockeying for influence and control in lieu of the utter collapse of the government. They enlist the aid of politicians, clergy, star-celebrities, and apocalyptic strongmen to manipulate, manage, and ultimately control the have nots. A small few have other plans, they have decided to take fate into their own hands and they gather those who believe in them and believe in their cause.
With this game I wanted to emphasize a sense of leadership for players. Players will build their characters envisioning them as up-and-coming leaders of some sort of organization or gang. Their strengths will be their strongest leadership qualities, and their weaknesses will be their faults and downfalls. What will make people want to follow these characters?
Game play will involve a lot of cards, but I also encourage non-card posts as well (just for the sake of making a great story.) Challenges will involve NPCs that may become assets or enemies to a player’s ultimate objective, depending on what strengths, weaknesses, subplots, goals, or assets they play against the challenge. In solving the challenge favorably, players will gain control of the NPCs through a limited amount of “favors” in the form of asset cards. I will be handing out a lot of these asset cards and likewise I plan on creating challenges that require a lot of cards to solve. Players could potentially have legions of NPCs at their command in the form of these asset cards.
I’ve created a few strengths, weaknesses, subplots, and natures to start people off if they have any trouble getting creative, but I highly encourage players to come up with their own as well.
I can’t wait to see what kind of exciting characters you guys come up with :D
Hosted and narrated by:
Started 10/17/14.
Scenes played: 2
License: Community License