For the love of fellow man!
This annual celebration of spring is host to thousands of vendors, performers, and visitors, both local and foreign.
Amidst the eating, dancing, cheering, and laughing lays a special tradition: the Wishbox. All visitors start by submitting on a sliver of parchment 1 request they’d like to have fulfilled, and in turn, draw 1 to fulfill. Every time they fulfill a request, they receive 1 mark, and the man and woman at the end of the day with the most marks are crowned King and Queen of the Elves.
The tradition started out as a spring cleaning event, where the townsfolk might submit requests like “brush the farmer’s horse” and “polish the blacksmith’s swords.” However, as the town became more populated, the event turned into a scavenger hunts of sorts with requests like “roll 6 apples down the main avenue” and “treat your lover or love interest to a pint at the tavern.”
Rumor has it that the fae themselves are to blame, toying with humans by submitting odd requests. However, the town has embraced this quirkiness, and have begun submitting silly wishes of all kinds. What better time for the fae to come down from the mountains to watch their shenanigans up close?
Footnote: This game was designed with beginners in mind, but writers of all levels are welcome.
Hosted and narrated by:
Dionne (Dionne)
Started 02/25/19.
Scenes played: 3
License: Community License