Every decision we make, every change in the wind, every drop of rain is a new beginning.
There have been trillions upon trillions of splinter realities created every second of every day, since time began. Like stations on a radio dial, the more that are created, the fuzzier the reception in between.
It would be very easy to get lost among these parallels, whether it was a time and place indistinguishable from our own, to a time and place where this planet never formed at all. Needless to say, you would probably not want to visit the latter.
Whether you’re a brilliant scientist or a stay-at-home Mom on her way to the grocery store, you likely don’t want to find yourself in flux between these parallel realities.
You will be accidentally transported from your dimension by a device carried by one of the players. The story begins in current day Seattle, WA, and will carry you all over multiple worlds.
NOTE: We are only taking 5 players.
NOTE: The game will have a 90’s TV vibe. If you’ve seen Sliders, you should have an idea what to expect. If not… Well go watch it.
NOTE: One player will need to have invented the flux device which allows travel through parallel dimensions. Please use the Inventor Nature Card if you’re that player. (Also, we only need one).
NOTE: I have been having very poor luck with washout players. Our group’s stories have been tons of fun and very popular (click my profile and go dig around), however, I will be very stringent with applications, please do not apply if you do not have the time or dedication for at least one post every two days.
Hosted and narrated by:
Jack (tuxedojack)
Started 06/20/14.
Scenes played: 2
License: Community License