This is a game meant for folks new to Storium, or folks who would like a chance to work with the mechanics a bit more. It’s set in a futuristic apocalyptic world that is two extinction events in the future. I did it this way as it makes nearly all concepts viable, ‘cause hey, it’s science fiction.
You begin in a very remote refuge, far from civilization. The refuge is run by a grumpy old man known as Pappy. From there, you can linger about at the bar, or you can nose around and find a quest, or whatever your creativeness spawns.
Stay for a long time, or stay for the night. Accumulate what you need to head out into the Dust for an adventure, or hang about the refuge and explore its oddities. Help build the world, too. Tell your tale of your adventures in the Dust, or help create NPCs that live in the refuge. Add geography, lore, weather, if you can image it, then it might just be out there in the Dust.
It’s a refuge. Like any kind of refuge out in the dust - except different. There was a diner at this refuge. A place called Pappy’s Breakfast and Booze.
There are those at Pappy’s who live there, spending their nights and sometimes days at the bar. There are some, who come and go. Mostly they go. But before they do, they usually have the kindness to tell a tale. You know. For entertainment?
It is Earth, except two extinctions event from now. The first was Yellowstone National Park, in the United States. It erupted. The second was a two hundred year barrage of solar flares powerful enough to brush aside the magnetosphere and ionosphere aside. Archaeological traces of the life that once existed yet exist, but they are rare and tainted by hundreds of years.
Life managed to go on. It was textbook Darwinism. The creatures that survived evolved into something far different. The creatures that did not survive are forgotten.
Perhaps you have traveled wide and far, searching for riches you know must be out there. Or perhaps you’ve roosted, taking comfort in the numbers you’ve assimilated too. It doesn’t matter. Survival is survival. Who is to argue such choices? No matter where you are from, you have a tale.
When you step through the weathered door of Pappy’s, the greeting is the same most times. Pappy leans on the business side of the bar ask asks your pleasure. “Booze, or ripper eggs?”
It’s all he has to offer. Except on special days.
Hosted and narrated by:
Bouzouki (Bouzouki)
Started 04/06/16.
Scenes played: 4
License: Community License