A generic cyberpunk world in a generic cyberpunk setting. Casual play, have some fun rebelling against the system, moving outside of the law, and living dangerously close to the edge.
Small group of people. No supernatural bullshit, no purple-prose over-the-top arrogance. Just some people trying to make it in a world gone hyper-realized; full of control-obsessed corporation, thrill-seeking gangs with flamethrowers, and all the jazz.
Also, no obsessive character-control-issues, please. It’s a shared story, let others have fun with your character within context, reason and respect.
I’m not going to treat this all to seriously. It’ll be dark and gritty and bloody and all the good stuff (NSFW), but don’t expect the deepest spiritual revelation or mind-altering, genre-bending story. Just trying to have fun and take it easy.
Hosted and narrated by:
Stefan Woick (iNachyl)
Started 05/20/14.
Scenes played: 17
License: Community License