Test game set in the Blue Planet universe. Megacorporations (known as Incorps), natives and the GEO (think upgraded UN) vie for power under alien skies and beneath pristine but mysterious seas. You’re troubleshooters, people who fix problems for pay. The GEO and the Incorps would prefer terms like “career criminal” or “pirate” but what do those words mean in an untamed world like this?
Additional Notes: My goal is for each us to type no more than 250 words a day. Mostly because I’m lazy but also because I think sprawling posts tend to make it harder for people to remain active on forum games. First, because it’s a fuckton of reading and second because then people feel obligated to respond to posts with more sprawling posts.
Hosted and narrated by:
Ando Muneno (DocTaotsu)
Started 03/02/14.
Scenes played: 4
License: Community License