Hosted and currently narrated by:
Hosted by:
Lach MM
Murderhobos of the Rings or, D&D hits LOTR and LOTR gets +2 to save.
Thesis: early editions of D&D often cite “Lord of the Rings” as a premiere influence on fantasy roleplaying and, in so far as cosmetic appearances go, this is quite true - D&D’s sneaky halflings, wilderness rangers, proud elves, doughty dwarves and piles of treasure can be traced back one-for-one to The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. That being said, D&D since its creation has turned into its own beast completely, and at its lowest common denominator, famously features “murderhobos” - gangs of loosely-allied fighters, magic-users, thieves and clerics wandering from place to place in search of “things to kill and stuff to take”.
So what happens when one of these heavily-armed and really violent gangs meets the One Ring?
Collaboration style:
Story format:
Short story
License: Community License
Host’s rules: none specified
Info for invitees and applicants: none specified
I’ve included some cards to give you an idea of the writing style you should expect, but go ahead and make whichever cards you want. As always, card art is appreciated but not compulsory except for your character avatars.
I’m not going to mechanize the D&D rules into Storium except through flavour text. As an experienced D&D’er, you know to put time aside for long rests, to say “I drink a healing potion” from time to time, and that eventually you are going to run low on spells/spell points/ki points and/or magic item charges.
Card settings:
Word limits: unlimited player /
unlimited narrator
This game completed Invalid date.
It started 02/08/2021
This game started 4 years ago
and has
4,530 words,
3 scenes,
27 moves,
and 29 comments.