A mysterious traveler comes to a small town in the middle of nowhere. He comes with the intention of passing through but something about this town intrigues him. Maybe it’s the disappearance that happened the night he arrived or it’s the small town charm calling him. He decides that either way this town has secrets lying underneath.
A town hero returns home from his time in the army. He comes home hoping to make a life with the girl he had left behind only to find her gone without a trace. Determined to find this girl he seeks the help of his younger sister.
The librarian who’s been stuck in town since the death of her loving mother is approached by her older brother. She had heard of the disappearance of the town beauty. Her brother’s ex-lover.
The artist who is madly in love with the town hero runs into her childhood crushes’ arms only to be rejected. Heartbroken, but not defeated she returns to her home. That’s when she hears of the disappearance of the girl he loves. Instantly accusations are made to her. She knows she needs to solve this before she’s locked up for a murder that she didn’t commit.
Hosted and narrated by:
Ivy Goldsmith (Ivvu)
Started 03/05/18.
Scenes played: 1
License: Community License